Zaproszenie do składania abstraktów – XXVII Krakowska Konferencja Metodologiczna
Czy wyjaśnienia oparte o sztuczną inteligencję można uznać za naukowe w tradycyjnym sensie? Czy poleganie AI na metodach statystycznych zmienia nasze rozumienie przyczynowości i rozumowania indukcyjnego? Zapraszamy do czynnego udziału w 27. edycji Krakowskiej Konferencji Metodologicznej, która odbędzie się między 29 a 30 maja!
Invitation and call for proposals
The XXVII Cracow Methodological Conference
May 29 h -30 th , 2025
We invite contributions to the 27 th edition of the annual event – The Cracow Methodological Conference. This
conference seeks to foster an in-depth and interdisciplinary dialogue on these pressing issues, exploring the
philosophical and methodological transformations driven by AI in contemporary science.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is radically reshaping the philosophy of science, redefining the ways in which scientific knowledge is
produced, understood and evaluated. AI-driven methodologies challenge traditional assumptions regarding explanation, theory
and objectivity, while simultaneously raising fundamental questions about the role of human agency in the research process.
Machine learning algorithms autonomously formulate hypotheses, identify patterns and generate predictions that do not always
align with human intuition – fundamentally transforming the landscape of the philosophy of science.
This conference aims to examine the profound impact of AI on key philosophical issues, including the nature of scientific
explanation, the evolution of scientific theories and the epistemological foundations of scientific knowledge. Can AI-generated
explanations be regarded as scientific in the traditional sense? Does AI’s reliance on statistical methods alter our understanding of
causality and inductive reasoning? As AI autonomously identifies correlations and patterns, does it reinforce scientific realism or
does it lend further support to instrumentalism?
Furthermore, the growing role of AI in scientific research necessitates renewed reflection on the ethical and societal dimensions
of science, including algorithmic biases, methodological transparency and responsibility for research outcomes. The conference
will address the following key themes:
(1) New models of scientific explanation – Do AI-generated explanations conform to traditional philosophical models of
(2) The changing nature of theories and models – How does AI influence our understanding of scientific theories and their
function in science?
(3) AI’s impact on the epistemology of science – What are the implications of AI for verification methods, induction and the
cognitive processes underlying scientific inquiry?
(4) Ethics and values in science – Algorithmic bias, transparency and accountability in scientific research.
(5) AI as a scientific instrument? – Can AI be conceptualized as a scientific tool, analogous to the instrumental role of computer
(6) The role of the human in the science of the future – Will AI become a fully-fledged participant in the research process and if
so, what remains uniquely human in scientific inquiry?".
The presentation proposals for the workshop should be between 500 and 600 words (with references), submitted in
the PDF format. Together with the presentation proposal, please send a short CV (200 words). In the subject line,
please, “Presentation proposal: 27 th Methodological Conference”.
The presentations proposals can be sent to The language of the event is English.
The conference participation is free of charge.
The conference will take place at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences at Sławkowska Street 17, Kraków,
Important Dates:
The deadline for submission: April 15, 2025.
The acceptance of proposals: sent out by April, 30, 2025.
The schedule for the workshop: sent out by May 10, 2025.
The conference dates: May 29-30, 2025.
The Conference is organized by Pontifical University of John Paul II and the Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary
Studies in Kraków, Poland.
Any questions regarding the workshop may be sent to Jan Szyller: