Grand Questions – Centrum Kopernika Badań Interdyscyplinarnych UJ

Grand Questions

The project included the implementation of three tasks aimed at popularizing science: creating a series of courses for the Copernicus College platform, creating a series of popular science supplements for "Tygodnik Powszechny," a series of open lectures, and organizing scientific sessions within the Copernicus Festival 2017.


Grantor: Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Funding amount: 625,500 PLN. Project Number: 538/P-DUN/2017.

The project included the implementation of three tasks aimed at popularizing science: creating a series of courses for the Copernicus College platform, creating a series of popular science supplements for “Tygodnik Powszechny,” a series of open lectures, and organizing scientific sessions within the Copernicus Festival.

Task 1: The Mind: What Is It and How Does It Work? – Preparation of materials for the Copernicus College e-university.

This task involved the preparation of 10 online courses, 10 guest lectures online, and 2 e-textbooks for Copernicus College. All materials covered topics related to the functioning of the brain and mind.

Task 2: Big Questions Part II: Breakthroughs in Science

This task included the organization of 36 popular science lectures and 4 discussions, with recordings posted on the YouTube channel Copernicus (list of materials: YouTube Playlist). Additionally, it involved the preparation of 4 supplements in the “Big Questions” series for “Tygodnik Powszechny” and 40 articles intended for online publication.

Task 3: Copernicus Festival 2017: Emotions

This task funded the scientific sessions of the Copernicus Festival 2017, held under the theme “Emotions.” More information about this edition can be found on the festival’s website: Copernicus Festival 2017.

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