XVII KKM: The Normative Mind. Dimensions of Decision Making (2013) – Centrum Kopernika Badań Interdyscyplinarnych UJ

XVII KKM: The Normative Mind. Dimensions of Decision Making (2013)

XVII Krakowska Konferencja Metodologiczna poświęcona była neurobiologicznym, ewolucyjnym, psychologicznym i filozoficznym aspektom podejmowania decyzji oraz kierowania się regułami.

Program konferencji:


Edward Nęcka et al., Cognitive and Neural Dimensions of Normativity
Jan Kozłowski, From Ape to Einstein: Personal View on the Evolution of Human Mind and Cooperative Behavior
Bipin Indurkhya, Change of Norms and Creativity: Normativity from a Cognitive Point of View
Jan Woleński, The Normativity of Logic
Matthew Kramer, Deflecting Two Challenges to the Objectivity of Moral Epistemology
Bartosz Brożek, The Normative Mind: In Defense of a Heresy


Giuseppe Di Pellegrino, The Contribution of Medial Prefrontal Cortex to Moral Decision-Making
Piotr Winkielman, Embodiment, Emotion, and Decision
Szymon Wichary, Normative vs. Heuristic Decision Processes: The Impact of Emotions
Wojciech Załuski, Rational Choice Theory, Moral Decision-Making, and the Folk Psychology
Antonino Rotolo, Social Agency, Reinforcement and Vicarious Learning, and Legal Compliance: Results from Agent-Based Simulations
Peter Jones, The Real Cement of Civil Society

Ilustracja: Myśliciel – rzeźba Auguste’a Rodina

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