Law and Mind 2 (2018) – Centrum Kopernika Badań Interdyscyplinarnych UJ

Law and Mind 2 (2018)

Kolejna konferencja poświęcona wpływom nauk poznawczych i neuronauk na prawo odbyła się w dniach 30 listopada - 1 grudnia 2018 r. w budynku Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UJ.

Program konferencji

30 listopada 2018

Tehila Kogut, Target dependent ethics: Discrepancies between ethical decisions toward specific and general targets
Jeffrey Rachliński, Intuition, Deliberation and Professional Misjudgment
Jaap Hage, Legal intuition and justification
Maurits Helmich, Is Legal Philosophy a Branch of the Moral Philosophies?
Carlo Garbarino, The intuitive mental content of rules
Piotr Bystranowski, Bartosz Janik, Maciej Próchnicki
Julia Wesołowska, Awarding compensatory damages on the basis of affective forecasting. The law’s intuition versus the science of the mind
Ivar Hannikainen, Cognitive bases of folk jurisprudence
Nathanael E.J Sumampouw, Confirmation bias in police investigators working with Child Sexual Abuse cases
Tomasz Zygmunt, Hunch: intuition or insight?

1 grudnia 2018

Tomasz Pietrzykowski
Michał Araszkiewicz, The Notion of Direction of Fit in Legal Reasoning. A Generalized View
Piero Mattei-Gentili, Convention, Heuristics & and Rule-Following in the Creation of Judicial Precedent
Christoph Bublitz, Rights as Rationalizations? Refining Greene’s debunking argument against rights
Jan Ptaszyński, Is intuition everything? Preliminary model of judicial decision-making
András Molnár, What Is the “Subject” for Law and Neuroscience Research?
Gábri Angéla, Neuroscience and psychology of judicial decision-making

Obraz: Nicolas Poussin, Sąd Salomona, 1648

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