Cognitive artifacts on various time scales: An integrative approach
This project is funded by the National Science Centre, Poland (Opus 22, 2021/43/B/HS1/02868, 2022–2025, PI:…
ShowCognitive artifacts on various time scales: An integrative approach
This project is funded by the National Science Centre, Poland (Opus 22, 2021/43/B/HS1/02868, 2022–2025, PI:…
ShowThe philosophy of science in a European perspective
The research project was devoted to the analysis of several issues relevant from the perspective…
ShowHumanities in dialogue
The development of humanities is determined by dialogue with culture (art, literature, religion) as well…
ShowThe Limits of Scientific Explanation
The grant "The Limits of Scientific Explanation" was financed by The John Templeton Foundation.
ShowConceptual Problems in Unification Theories
Within the project, we have been fathoming out the conceptual problems lurking in unification theories…