Church’s Thesis: Logic, Mind and Nature (2011) – Centrum Kopernika Badań Interdyscyplinarnych UJ Skip to content

Church’s Thesis: Logic, Mind and Nature (2011)

Konferencja poświęcona Tezie Churcha i jej współczesnym implikacjom w dziedzinie logiki, informatyki oraz naukach przyrodniczych odbyła się w 2011 r. w gmachu głównym Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie.

Program konferencji:

3 czerwca

Stewart Shapiro, Open-texture, computability, and Church’s Thesis
Marie Duží, Pavel Materna, Concepts and Church-Turing Thesis
Jack Copeland, The Mathematical Objection: Turing, Gödel, and Penrose on the Mind
Arnon Avron, A Logical Generalization of Church Thesis
Benjamin Wells, Pseudorecursiveness and the Church-Turing Thesis
Anatolij Dvurecenskij, State BL-Algebras and State-Morphism Algebras
Wolfgang Degen, Church’s Thesis and Other Principles of Reducibility
Csaba Henk, Computability in terms of finitary witnesses
Masaharu Mizumoto, Wittgenstein and Turing vs. Cantor
Jonathan Yaari, Justifying the Church-Turing Thesis: A Scientific Approach
Stanisław Krajewski, Is Church’s Thesis unique?
Bartosz Brożek, Adam Olszewski, Mathematical Subject and Church’s Thesis

4 czerwca

Ryszard Wójcicki, Accessibility of Truth; an Essay on Problems of Knowledge Formation
Yuri Gurevich, What’s an algorithm?
Wilfried Sieg, Gödel’s philosophical challenge (to Turing): “The human mind infinitely surpasses any finite machine.”
Jan Woleński, On the Status of Church’s Thesis
Nachum Dershowitz and Evgenia Falkovich, A Formalization and Proof of the Extended Church-Turing Thesis
Selmer Bringsjord and Naveen Sundar G., In Further Defense of the Unprovability of Church’s Thesis
Paula Quinon, Computability on Strings
Szymon Szymczak, Is the Church-Turing Thesis mathematically provable?
Darren Abramson, Computation and the Mental: Church’s Thesis. ‘Right-to-left’
Marcin Miłkowski, How could we tell that the mind is a Turing machine?
Marcin Schroeder, Mind, Meaning, and Computation: The Missing Link of Information Integration

5 czerwca

David McCarty, Mathematical Realism and Church’s Thesis
Petr Hájek, Computational complexity, arithmetical hierarchy and mathematical fuzzy logic
Oron Shagrir, Who is the „human computer” in Turing’s analysis of computability?
Konrad Zdanowski, On intended models for arithmetic and intended notations
Paolo Gentilini, Discussing Church’s Thesis through evolutionary effective learning machines based on Constructive Paraconsistent Logic and Informational Logic
Krzysztof Wójtowicz, Hypercomputation and Philosophy of Mathematics
Andrew Polonsky, Church’s Thesis and Computable Processes
Rafal Urbaniak, How Not To Use the Church-Turing Thesis Against Platonism
Paolo Cotogno, Church’s Thesis: There Is No ‘Easy Half’
Kim Solin, Are epistemological aspects of computability theory paid enough attention to?

Strona konferencji

Zdjęcia (prof. Adam Walanus)

Dzień 1 | Dzień 2 | Dzień 3

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